Selasa, 13 Januari 2009



Mathematics Figure Which Have Meritorious During The Year 2004.

1. Hans Wospakrik

Hans Jacobus Wospakrik (Serui, Papua, 10 September 1951 - Jakarta, 11 January 2005) is a Indonesia physics representing lecturer of physics teoritik in Technological Institute of Bandung.

Hans is a getting best physics appreciation by University Atma Jaya of Jakarta at the service of, consistency, and its dedication is high in research in area of theory physics. He give the contribution mean to community of world physics in the form of mathematics method utilize to comprehend the physics phenomenon in elementary particle and Common Relativity of Einstein. its Research Pickings this publicizing of in notable international journal, like Physical Review D, Journal Of Mathematical Physics, Modern of Physics Letters A, and Modern International Journal of of Physics. He die at 11 January 2005 effect leukimia.

From Atomos Till Quark.

From Atomos Till Quark is a book of result of masterpiece Hans narrating to regarding the seeking of human being as long as history of concerning smallest compiler from this natural items. Early Greek where all that moment philosopher philosophize to regarding the smallest compiler each;every items, Jazirah Arab touched by Hans as owner " knowledge torch" next after Greek, science alkemi, nuclear reaction " narrating" at us of about atom existence, proton and neutron, until finding in this time regarding set of smaller items, that is quark.

2. Christa Lorenzia

Christa Lorenzia Soesanto born in Jakarta, 21 October 1996, is a Indonesia student having many achievement in the field of mathematics. and Computer. First Child from couple of Edy Soesanto Prawirohardjo Intelbc International and this Betsy Eliane Rahardjo, succeeding well reputed of Indonesia with the champion of various competition of mathematics and Computer of either in national storey;level and also international. SINCE CHILDHOOD, Christa Lorenzia always install the goals. Either in school and also moment follow the championship, he always want to be best. Proven, he always become the public champion from play grup till pass the elementary school. Even, in various ajang competition, he also reach for the predikat champion, especially mathematics race. Christa hope can be well reputed of nation and state, so that Indonesia people do not is always stamped stupid. According to him, oftentimes Indonesian nation stamped to by lower by other nation even by nation by xself. This matter of course bother its mind as Indonesia citizen capable to show its achievement. Since October 2008, Christa have made the new champion [in] world of Mathematic Olympiad, where Christa have succeeded to get FOUR Gold Medal to Alone and TWO Gold Medal for the Beregu of alternately. This champion is first multiply made by a Indonesian nation child.


Christa start to carve the achievement of since siting in class 1 Beautiful elementary school Tirta Marta BPK Maisonette Dredger, Jakarta. He is which is on initially following as participant of Competition of Mathematics of Kumon year 2004 which is carried out in Jakarta, in the reality succeed to reach for the champion I, and also get the present of journey of a family to Malaysia. Christa is it is true pertained by a smart child, He have the IQ 150. Although often follow various race, He under developed of Iesson have never in school. Values Christa in mean school is 9.6. Even assess mathematics in raportnya always 100.

· A lot of is reached for by achievement of Christa, good in mathematics competition mount the national and also international. Achievement most glorious Christa is moment succeed to reach for the gold medal at the same time appreciation as " The Best Theory" and " the Best Overall" in Olympiad of Mathematics and National Science (OSN) Year 2007 in Surabaya. Beside that, He is noted by as young participant. Museum Rekor-Dunia Indonesia (MURI) later;then register its achievement as first woman is which reach for the gold medal in IMSO (international) and OSN (national)

· In " Po Leung Kuk Primary Mathematics World Contest" ke-12 in Hongkong [of] [at] 12-16 July 2008, Christa succeed to reach for the gold medal with the Perfect Score. In ajang followed [by] 43 team from 15 the state, Indonesia reach for 5 gold medal [pass/through] the Stefano Chiesa Suryanto (SD Theresia Jakarta), Richard Akira Heru (ex SD PL Bernadus Semarang/smp PL Domenico Savio Semarang), Peter Tirtowijoyo Young (ex SD Santa Maria Surabaya/smp Petra 1 Surabaya), Christa Lorenzia Soesanto (ex SD Tirta Martha BPK of Dredger Jakarta / smpk Tirta Martha BPK of Dredger Jakarta), and Fransisca Susan (ex SD Santa Ursula Jakarta/smp Santa Ursula Jakarta).

· In "International Mathematic Olympiad" in Chiang Mai - Thailand of at 25-30 October 2008, Christa have succeeded to become one the other one a success Indonesian nation child grab the Gold Medal of good to Alone and also beregu.

Trace Concept

Role of its parent in educating Christa till reach this achievement is very big. Its mother always remind of concept TRACE (Goals, Reward, Appreciation, Care And Extra Miles). Old fellow Personating ' supporter' and non ' controller' so that Christa can enjoy all goals and all contest preparation. At its age is which youth, Christa Firmness have want to win the Nobel Prize of Prize in the field of computer which is also mastered by its father.

3. Frank Wilczek

Franc Wilczek born 15 May 1951 is a United States physics. H. is David Politzer and David Gross he is awarded by the Appreciation Nobel in Physics 2004.


In the year 1973, Wilczek, a laboring master student by David is Jonathan Gross in University Princeton, finding freedom asimtot, mentioning that more and moreing the near by quark one another, more and more to weaken the strong interaction (or colour payload) among both; for a while quark [of] [in] back part far, nuclear energy of among both so weaken so that berperilaku almost loo like the free particle. Teori--Yang found independently by Hugh David Politzer--Penting for the development of kromodinamika quantum.

Wilczek have assisted to express and develop the aksion, anyon, freedom asimtot, and other aspect of field theory of quantum in general, and have checked the solid goods physics, astrophysics, and particle physics.

Its research nowadays is:

· particle physics " pure": relation of among idea of teoretis and phenomenon able to be perceived.

· materials behavior: temperature ultra-high and stream structure.

· applying of particle physics to cosmology.

· applying of technique of field theory to solid goods physics.

· quantum theory black hole.

4. Yohanes Surya

Yohanes Surya born in Jakarta on 6 November 1963. He start to deepen the physics of at majors of Physics of MIPA of Indonesia University till year 1986, teaching in SMAK I of Dredger Jakarta till year 1988 and hereinafter go through the master program and its doctor in College of William and Mary, Virginia, United States. its Master Program is finished in the year 1990 and its doctor program in year 1994 by predikat is cum laude. After getting title Ph.D., Yohanes Surya become the Consultant of Theoretical Physics in TJNAF / cebaf (Continous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility) Virginia - United States (1994). Although have had the Greencard remain and work in United States, Yohanes Surya go home to Indonesia with a purpose to wish well reputed of Indonesia pass the physics olympiad (its password at that time is " Go Get Gold") and also develop the physics in Indonesia.

Come home from America, beside train and lead the Team of Olympiad of Indonesia Physics (TOFI), Yohanes Surya become the instructor and researcher of at program of pasca of master UI for the area of nuclear physics (year 1995 - 1998). From year 1993 till 2007 student binaannya succeed well reputed of nation by menyabet 54 gold medal, 33 silver medal and 42 bronze medal in so many Science competition / International physics. In the year 2006 a student binaannya, Jonathan Pradana Mailoa, succeeding to reach for the predikat " The Absolute Winner" (World Champion) in International Physics Olympiad (Ipho) XXXVII [in] Singapore.

Yohanes Surya represent the productive writer for the area of Physics/mathematics. There is 68 book have been written for the student of SD until SMA. Besides writing book, he also write hundreds of Physics article [in] erudite journal of national goodness and also international, daily of COMPASS, TEMPO, Indonesia Media and others. He also pencetus of term MESTAKUNG and three law Mestakung, and also pencetus of Whirligig study ( Easy, Besotted, Pleasing).

Outside aktifitasnya of above, Yohanes Surya act in so many international organization as Board member of the International Physics Olympiad, Vice of President of The First step to Nobel Prize (1997); conceptor And President Asian Physics Olympiad (2000); Chairman Of The first Asian Physics Olympiad, in Karawaci, Tangerang (2000); officer of Member of the World Physics Federation Competition; Chairman Of The International Econophysics Conference 2002; Chairman The World Conggress Physics Federation 2002; Board Of Experts in magazine of National Geographic Indonesia and also become the Chairman of Asian Science Camp 2008 in Denpasar, Bali. During have career to in area of physics development, Yohanes Surya have got various award/fellowship for example CEBAF/sura award ACE ' 92-93 (one of the best student in the field of nuclear physics at American south-east region), creativity appreciation 2005 from Institution of Creativity Development, Loyal Badge award of Masterpiece Hero (2006) from President of RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Is same in the year, he chosen as Indonesia proxy in the field of education to come in contact with the United States President, George W. Bush. In the year 2007, he write the book " Mestakung: Successful Secret of World Champion" getting appreciation as quickest writer Best Seller in Indonesia.

mathematics history which still used hitherto (Number of Zero)

mathematics history which still used hitherto

(Number of Zero)

On a day-to-day basis, in fact we do not require the number of zero, really do not butuh. When you asked, ' Have how much/many your orange ?', hence you'd tend to to tell ' I have no the orange' compared to telling ' I have zero orange'. When we haveing a asked. How many year old age your sister/ brother is ?. Hence more opting us to answer Its age newly 1 month;moon' than have to answer with Its age newly 0 year. This is its problem, because in practice we is not at all need the number of zero.

Hence during very old at history of human being journey, number of zero do not emerge. And in the reality number of zero by xself relative not yet too is old found, because it is true 'insignificant'. Guide regarding early human being recognize the calculation found by arkeolog Karl Absolom year 1930 in a cutting of wolf bone - in the reality they more bernyali, because more opting us to use the media of paper of dibading of wolf bone - what [is] estimated old age 30.000 year.

In the reality along the nun of time, they start to string up the number there is. Tribe of Bacairi and Baroro have the system calculate ' one', ' two', ' two and one', ' two and two', ' two and two and one', etc. They have the system number base on two and we now mention it by system is binary - in this time we often study it if we study the system calculation used by a computer. In this time even also we write down eleven as ten and one, etc.

Egypt start to make the sign to show ' one', other sign to show ' five', dsb. Before a period of pyramid, ancient Egypt people have used the picture for the system of number denary - bases ten, my two hand finger - they. Egypt Nation will draw six symbol to note the angaka one hundred twenty three compared to drawing 123 line. Egypt Nation recognized by very mastering of mathematics. Expert Meraka of astral and reliable time marker and even have created the calendar. invention of System of sun calendar represent the big breakthrough and added with the artistic invention of geometry . Though they have reached the high level mathematics, but number of zero in the reality not yet emerged also in Egypt. This because of they use the mathematics to be practical and do not use it for the something that of do not relate to fact.

Later;Then we make a move to Greek. Before year 500 SM, they have comprehended the mathematics is eminently compared to by a Egypt. They also use the bases 10. Greece , for example, writing down number 87 by 2 is symbol, compared to by a Egypt which must write down it by 15 is symbol, what exactly lost ground at number Romawi needing 7 symbol - LXXXVII. If Egypt nation assume the mathematics of only appliance to know the day commutation - with the calendar system - and arrange the division of farm - with the geometry , hence greece look into the serious philosophy and number considerably.

Zeno bearing paradox of very undifinite and Pytagoras is we recognize with the its right triangle theorem - known by that this formula in fact have been known by since 1000 year previously, borne here. We also recognize the Aristoteles and Ptolomeus

Return to east world, Babilonia - Iraq now - in the reality have the system calculate much more ancient go forward. They use the system base on 60, seksagesimal , so that they have 59 sign. differentiating this system with the Egypt and Greek is, that a sign can mean 1, 60, 3600 or other bigger number yg. Them defining appliance assist to count/calculate the abax - soroban in Japan, suan-pan in China, s'choty in Russia, coulbadi in Turki, etc which here we mention with the abaci. System calculate the them of like our system in this time where 222 showing value ' two', ' twenty' and ' two hundreds'. So also symbol i show ' one' or ' six puluh' in two different position. People Babilonia do not have the method to show the correct column to symbol written, whereas by abakus is this matter is shown by easier of which number is which are such. A stone which is located in distinguishable second column easily from stone which is there are in third column and so on. Thereby i can mean 1, 60 or 3600 or assess the larger ones. So that ii earn more intrude again, because bsa mean 61, 3601, dsb. Hence needed by penanda and they use ii as vacant lot, a empty column at abakus. So that now ii mean 61 and iiii mean 3601. Although they have found the empty penanda column by ii, but in fact number of zero just remain to be not yet emerged at culture ini.ii remain to haven't assessed the separate numerik.

Return to east world, Babilonia - Iraq now - in the reality have the system calculate much more ancient go forward. They use the system base on 60, seksagesimal , so that they have 59 sign. differentiating this system with the Egypt and Greek is, that a sign can mean 1, 60, 3600 or other bigger number yg. Them defining appliance assist to calculate the abax – soroban in Japan, suan-pan in China, s'choty in Russia, coulbadi in Turki, etc which here we mention with the abaci. System calculate the them of like mathematics Provenance in India still impersonate. A text written in the year 476 M show the influence of Greek mathematics, Egypt And Babilonia brought by Alexander of conquest moment it. Expert at one time India Mathematics alter the system calculate the them from Greek system to Babilonia of but being based on ten. But from first reference of Hindu number coming from a Bishop Suriah in the year 662 mentioning that they use 9 sign of rather than ten.

With the fall of empire Romawi of at century VII, West even also lost ground and East experience of the evocation. During West star sink at the opposite of firmament, published other star, Islam.

After Rasulullah Muhammad saw pass away hence started [by] a period of/to Khulafur Rasyidin which dipimpim by Dusty Khalifah Burn the Ash Shiddiq ra, Amirul Mukminin Umar Bin Khattab Al Faruq ra, Amirul Mukminin Usman Bin Affan Dzunnurrain ra and Amirul Mukminin Ali Bin Abi Thalib kw. And in this time Islam have been spread over to reach the Egypt, Suriah, Mesopotamia And Persian as well as Yerusalem. In the year 700 M, Islam have reached the river Hindus in the East and Algiers in West. Year 711 M, Islam have mastered the Spanyol to region Prancis and in year 751 M have defeated the Chinese. And in Spanyol which more knowledgeable by Andalusia, experiencing of top kejayaanya of at century VIII.

At century IX, Khalifah Al Ma'Mun found the luxury library, Bayt Al Hikmah - Wisdom House. And one of the man of science of terkemukannya is Muhammad Ibnu of Mozes of Al Khawarizmi. Its his Important Article for example Al-Jabr Wa Al-Muqabala and from here emerge the algebra term - solution. As well as propagating Algorithm from word Al-Khawarizmi.

And from here nation in other world cleft will follow the new arabic numerals system. Number consisted of by ten sign. And finally number of zero even also emerge and finish our journey. And we remain not know surely whether number of zero first appear in the India of or in Andalusia of or in Arab.



Epistemologi is philosophy branch concerning in with the knowledge theory. Epistemologi is science studying various elementary recognition form of knowledge, reality and its value. traditionally, becoming fundamental of[is problem of epistemologi is the source of, provenance and nature of knowledge base: area, boundary and knowledge reach.

Knowledge is a word used to subject to what known by someone of about something. Knowledge always have the subjek: knowing. Without there is knowing hence may not be knowledge. Knowledge also suppose the object. Without object or matter knew also have to be told may not be knowledge. knowledge Berelasi by the problem of the truth of. Truth is according to knowledge with the knowledge object. Its problem is truth of a knowledge object cannot is at a time obtained in a[n certain knowledge time. a knowledge object present the truism. Truth of searched in knowledge step compiled methodically, is rational and systematic. There is three knowledge type, that is ordinary knowledge or erudite pre knowledge, erudite knowledge and philosophic knowledge.

A knowledge surely have the source. Whether in fact becoming the source of knowledge? Some philosopher mention that source of knowledge is mind of kindness or ratio. Kindness mind have the important function in course of knowledge. Some other philosopher have a notion that source of knowledge is experience inderawi. Knowledge basically lean and base on the the five senses and also at experience of empirik inderawi. Polar oposition of idea of this rasionalitas and empirisme is pacified by Immanuel Kant expressing that even entire/all idea and concept have the character of apriori, the concept and idea of application can only if there is experience. Without experience, all idea and concept can never application.

Other problems in epistemologi is certainty and truth a knowledge. Criterion of what weared to measure a knowledge can be referred as by a correctness and surely? How a knowledge can be told by as knowledge which sahih? In epistemologi of there are some theory of kesahihan knowledge, that is theory koherensi, correspondence theory, pragmatic theory, semantic theory and abundant theory logikal.

Khant tell, that human being have been provided with a set willingness, so that we can give the form to raw data is which we perceive. So that thereby we possible have the knowledge apriori, and needn't experience of by xself to get the basal knowledge, knowledge which aposteriori. We is not ordinary know the realita which in fact, but a[n realita reflected by conscious experience of us. God is as an realita is outside experience, and represent the knowledge object.

(1724–1804). The philosopher of the 1700s who ranks with Aristotle and Plato of ancient times is Immanuel Kant. He set forth a chain of explosive ideas that humanity has continued to ponder since his time. He created a link between the idealists—those who thought that all reality was in the mind—and the materialists—those who thought that the only reality lay in the things of the material world. Kant's ideas on the relationship of mind and matter provide the key to understanding the writings of many 20th-century philosophers.

Kant was born on April 22, 1724, in Königsberg, Germany (now Kaliningrad, Russia). His father was a saddle and harness maker. He attended school at the Collegium Fredericianum where he studied religion and the Latin classics. When he was 16 years old Kant entered the University of Königsberg. He enrolled as a student of theology but soon became more interested in physics and mathematics.

After leaving college he worked for nine years as a tutor in the homes of wealthy families. In 1755 he earned his doctorate at the university and became a lecturer to university students, living on the small fees his students paid him. He turned down offers from schools that would have taken him elsewhere, and finally the University of Königsberg offered him the position of professor of logic and metaphysics.

Kant never married and he never traveled farther than 50 miles (80 kilometers) from Königsberg. He divided his time among lectures, writing, and daily walks. He was small, thin, and weak, but his ideas were powerful.

Kant's most famous work was the ‘Critique of Pure Reason' (published in German in 1781). In it he tried to set up the difference between things of the outside world and actions of the mind. He said that things that exist in the world are real, but the human mind is needed to give them order and form and to see the relationships between them. Only the mind can surround them with space and time. The principles of mathematics are part of the space-time thoughts supplied by the mind to real things.

For example, we see only one or two walls of a house at any one time. The mind gathers up these sense impressions of individual walls and mentally builds a complete house. Thus the whole house is being created in the mind while our eyes see only a part of the whole.

Kant said that thoughts must be based on real things. Pure reason without reference to the outside world is impossible. We know only what we first gather up with our senses. Yet living in the real world does not mean that ideals should be abandoned. In his ‘Critique of Practical Reason' (1788) he argued for a stern morality. His basic idea was in the form of a Categorical Imperative. This meant that humans should act so well that their conduct could give rise to a universal law. Kant died in Königsberg on Feb. 12, 1804. His last words were Es ist gut, “It is good.”

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  • MLA Style: "Kant, Immanuel." Britannica Student Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2009.
  • APA Style: Kant, Immanuel. (2009). Britannica Student Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.

Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune

1825- Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet and Arien-Marie Legendre Prove Fermat’s Last theorem for n = 5

Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet

Tender age.

Lejeune Dirichlet. A bizzare name. Its family come from a small town in so called Belgia of Richelet, where its grandfather remain the. Name given in fact " Le Jeune de Richelet" meaning " Young man from Richelet." Name of " smelling" French impressing invite the interpretation that Dirichlet come France. Its father is a post chief in Duren, a small town is which is located in midst of between town of Cologne and town Aachen. old age 12 year, Dirichlet very taking a fancy to of mathematics, what is proved with saving pocket money of just for buying mathematics book, before enter the Gymnasium, a school in town Bonn in the year 1817. When becoming student here, Dirichlet known as by a demure student with the attitude praised and very taking a fancy to of Iesson of mathematics dansejarah.

Only have time to go to school two year, before its father carry over the College Jesuit in Cologne. Here Dirichlet have time to be taught by Ohm. Age 16 year, pass and ready to step into the university. That moment is standard of university education in Germany still less so that Dirichlet set mind on to learn in Paris have. Stock to of Book of Disquisitiones arithmeticae of Gauss masterpiece which is always brought within reason a Bible, Dirichlet go to the Paris in May 1822. Have time to be attacked by a smallpox, but [do] not pursue the kuliah and lessen the enthusiasm learn the nya. Kuliah from notable lecturer like Biot, Francoeur, Hachette, Laplace, Lacroix, Legendre And Poisson make its eye is opened. Later this matter is brought to by come home to Germany and some years later;then university standard in Germany can reach for achievement as best in world.

Return to Germany.

At in the middle of the 1823, Dirichlet put hand to the General of Maximilien Sebastien Foy, who live in near by its house near by Paris. General Foy of is including especial figure of Napoleon in action, and retired after Napoleon surender in Waterloo. In the year 1819, Foy become the Liberal opposition party chief is which is taken hold of die it. Dirichlet treated by like within reason family member and given by the salary which is last for teaching German to wife and the general child. Year 1825, General Foy die and Dirichlet set mind on to [go/come] home to Germany to the pressure of Alexander von Humboldt to become the instructor. Constraint happened by because a instructor have to be titled of Doctor.

In fact Dirichlet can make thesis, as prerequisite to become the Doctor and is entitled to teach, but because unable to converse in Latin Ianguage, considered to be by of resistor factor. This constraint is overcome by university Cologne by lifting Dirichlet as honour Doctor and make the thesis of about polynomial to be defended in " special class" at university Breslau. Initially arising different idea of among professor in Germany, before finally alleviate by itself

Year 1827, Diriclet, for the first time nya, teaching in university Breslau and know that education standard in Germany still lower. Dissatisfy this fact, return, pass the aid Humboldt, Dirichlet move to have Line to in the year 1828 to teach at Military College. Seemingly this position become the " stepping point" to teach and become the professor of at university have Line. This Position is taken hold of from year 1828 until year 1855. Occupation as instructor and do the administrative duty in Military College remain to be defended.

Proving theorema Fermat

Moment still in Paris, Dirichlet try to solve the TTF ( Last Theorema of Fermat), that is: xn + yn = zn, where n 2. In case n = 3 and n = 4 have been proved by Euler and Fermat, and Dirichlet try to prove for the n of 5. If n = 5 and x, y and z is one is other and even number of number able to be divided 5. There is two case here: case 1 happened by if all divisible number 5 is anomalous number, and case 2 happened by if there is two even number and one divisible other five: both differing.

Dirichlet prove the case 1 and present its handing out at Academy Paris in the year 1825. At the moment Dirichlet have time to come in contact with the Abel which is residing in Paris ( read the: Abel). Legendre which that moment become the jury, later;then can prove the case 2. Description of the way of verification published [at] September 1825. In fact Dirichlet can prove the case 2 because only representing extension from case 1. There is separate note that Dirichlet later;then give the contribution in verification n = 14

In the field of mechanics, Dirichlet [do/conduct] the research [of] about balance of potential theory and system. Pass the handing out written in the year 1839 dipaparkan method to evaluate interdependent integral ( integral multiple) and application to solve the problem of ellipsoid gravitation. Other action is convergent of deret trigonometrik , first multiply weared by Fourier to finish the equation diferensial.

Early Last verification Theorema of Fermat so that trigger the other mathematics to be continued by berkutat by and inspire the Gauss of about law of biquadratic reciprocity. Dirichlet give the difinisi of about function is such as those which weared now. ( y and x is dependent and independent variable). From all above most importantly is strong elementary meletakan to education in Germany in general and mathematics especially so that become the first one. Era predominate all French mathematics ( last of Cauchy) start replaced by kirprah of all Germany mathematics ( Jacobi, Weierstrass, Kummer, Kronecker, Dedekind, Riemann, Cantor, Steiner).