Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune

1825- Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet and Arien-Marie Legendre Prove Fermat’s Last theorem for n = 5

Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet

Tender age.

Lejeune Dirichlet. A bizzare name. Its family come from a small town in so called Belgia of Richelet, where its grandfather remain the. Name given in fact " Le Jeune de Richelet" meaning " Young man from Richelet." Name of " smelling" French impressing invite the interpretation that Dirichlet come France. Its father is a post chief in Duren, a small town is which is located in midst of between town of Cologne and town Aachen. old age 12 year, Dirichlet very taking a fancy to of mathematics, what is proved with saving pocket money of just for buying mathematics book, before enter the Gymnasium, a school in town Bonn in the year 1817. When becoming student here, Dirichlet known as by a demure student with the attitude praised and very taking a fancy to of Iesson of mathematics dansejarah.

Only have time to go to school two year, before its father carry over the College Jesuit in Cologne. Here Dirichlet have time to be taught by Ohm. Age 16 year, pass and ready to step into the university. That moment is standard of university education in Germany still less so that Dirichlet set mind on to learn in Paris have. Stock to of Book of Disquisitiones arithmeticae of Gauss masterpiece which is always brought within reason a Bible, Dirichlet go to the Paris in May 1822. Have time to be attacked by a smallpox, but [do] not pursue the kuliah and lessen the enthusiasm learn the nya. Kuliah from notable lecturer like Biot, Francoeur, Hachette, Laplace, Lacroix, Legendre And Poisson make its eye is opened. Later this matter is brought to by come home to Germany and some years later;then university standard in Germany can reach for achievement as best in world.

Return to Germany.

At in the middle of the 1823, Dirichlet put hand to the General of Maximilien Sebastien Foy, who live in near by its house near by Paris. General Foy of is including especial figure of Napoleon in action, and retired after Napoleon surender in Waterloo. In the year 1819, Foy become the Liberal opposition party chief is which is taken hold of die it. Dirichlet treated by like within reason family member and given by the salary which is last for teaching German to wife and the general child. Year 1825, General Foy die and Dirichlet set mind on to [go/come] home to Germany to the pressure of Alexander von Humboldt to become the instructor. Constraint happened by because a instructor have to be titled of Doctor.

In fact Dirichlet can make thesis, as prerequisite to become the Doctor and is entitled to teach, but because unable to converse in Latin Ianguage, considered to be by of resistor factor. This constraint is overcome by university Cologne by lifting Dirichlet as honour Doctor and make the thesis of about polynomial to be defended in " special class" at university Breslau. Initially arising different idea of among professor in Germany, before finally alleviate by itself

Year 1827, Diriclet, for the first time nya, teaching in university Breslau and know that education standard in Germany still lower. Dissatisfy this fact, return, pass the aid Humboldt, Dirichlet move to have Line to in the year 1828 to teach at Military College. Seemingly this position become the " stepping point" to teach and become the professor of at university have Line. This Position is taken hold of from year 1828 until year 1855. Occupation as instructor and do the administrative duty in Military College remain to be defended.

Proving theorema Fermat

Moment still in Paris, Dirichlet try to solve the TTF ( Last Theorema of Fermat), that is: xn + yn = zn, where n 2. In case n = 3 and n = 4 have been proved by Euler and Fermat, and Dirichlet try to prove for the n of 5. If n = 5 and x, y and z is one is other and even number of number able to be divided 5. There is two case here: case 1 happened by if all divisible number 5 is anomalous number, and case 2 happened by if there is two even number and one divisible other five: both differing.

Dirichlet prove the case 1 and present its handing out at Academy Paris in the year 1825. At the moment Dirichlet have time to come in contact with the Abel which is residing in Paris ( read the: Abel). Legendre which that moment become the jury, later;then can prove the case 2. Description of the way of verification published [at] September 1825. In fact Dirichlet can prove the case 2 because only representing extension from case 1. There is separate note that Dirichlet later;then give the contribution in verification n = 14

In the field of mechanics, Dirichlet [do/conduct] the research [of] about balance of potential theory and system. Pass the handing out written in the year 1839 dipaparkan method to evaluate interdependent integral ( integral multiple) and application to solve the problem of ellipsoid gravitation. Other action is convergent of deret trigonometrik , first multiply weared by Fourier to finish the equation diferensial.

Early Last verification Theorema of Fermat so that trigger the other mathematics to be continued by berkutat by and inspire the Gauss of about law of biquadratic reciprocity. Dirichlet give the difinisi of about function is such as those which weared now. ( y and x is dependent and independent variable). From all above most importantly is strong elementary meletakan to education in Germany in general and mathematics especially so that become the first one. Era predominate all French mathematics ( last of Cauchy) start replaced by kirprah of all Germany mathematics ( Jacobi, Weierstrass, Kummer, Kronecker, Dedekind, Riemann, Cantor, Steiner).

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